Bhante Jutipanno visited TBCM office on 15 Feb 2023

Bhante Jutipanno (31 vassa) visit on 15 Feb 2023 to TBCM office for lunch dana and Dhamma sharing. Along with Bhante were Bhante Meng 12 vassa, Bhante Gambhira 8 vassa and friends attended.






答:我们要明白,好像 Visakha才七岁而已,佛陀讲法,他就证得須陀洹果。他有定吗?他有禅那吗?在经典里面讲到很多在家居士,他来听法,他之前没有修行过也可以证一果,这是跟他过去的波罗蜜有关。但是要成为阿罗汉必须有正定(禅那)。假如一果二果就不一定。一果二果是‘戒’圆满,不过不需要‘定’圆满与‘慧’圆满。阿罗汉是‘戒定慧’都圆满。

问: (不清晰)




问: (不清晰)


I am glad for being invited by TBCM to be here for dana offerings. This is a rare opportunity. The EXCO invited me to do dhamma sharing. But to be honest frankly speaking, I am really not good in speaking English and I could just say few sentences. All these while I give talks in mandarin, hence no issue if you request me to talk in mandarin. But I got to be frank for unable to talk in English. Please understand ya. Could be worse if I pretend I could but actually misleading. I have been in KL for several days for dhamma tour and given talks at several places. Going back to Johor today cause after this, I shall be busy in taking devotees to Thailand for dana tours. I appreciate brothers for inviting me here today. Should you have any question please ask in mandarin and I shall answer you in mandarin.

Q: Can one enter stream (attain sotapanna) by chanting solely?

A: By chanting one can get inner peace, but it is impossible if you wish to attain jhana. If you chant where you feel very joyful, you may get peace of mind. Buddha once said, sound is rather an obstacle in attaining first jhana. Inner peace is also a form of concentration, but it differs from that required towards attaining jhana. There are many forms of concentration. When you stop thinking and just focus at chanting, this is also a form of concentration. But definitely it’s not similar to jhana for it’s not samma-samadhi.

Q: In order to reach sotapanna, is samadhi a prerequisite?

A: Not necessary. Take Visakha as example. He attained sotapanna when he was just 7 years old at that time while listening to Buddha’s teaching. Has he had samadhi or jhana at that time? It has been mentioned in sutta that a number of laities who never be a practitioner before, yet attained sotapanna after listening to teachings of Buddha. This is rather a result of their parami (noble character qualities) developed and carried forward from the past. But in order to become an arahant, ones must have samma-samadhi. This may not be the case for Sotapanna and Sakadagami, which require only Perfection in Sila. In contrast, an arahant requires Perfection of all three: Sila (virtue), Samadhi (concentration) and Panna (wisdom).

Q: (not clear)

A: If we thoroughly understand the eight worldly concerns (gain, loss, disgrace, fame, praise, blame, happiness and sadness) where you can accept a gain as well as a loss, this will lessen your suffering then. But it doesn’t mean that you can attain awakening. The reason why we suffer is because we could not accept (dislike) what has happened on us. Hence feelings and thoughts keep on arising in our mind which subsequently lead to suffering. If you can accept both gain and loss, then you won’t suffer regardless of gain or loss and your suffering lessen. Suffering of our physical body still present, which is the same for our suffering due to defilements. There are two kinds of suffering: one caused by our wrong views and another by defilements. If we turn a wrong view into a right view, your suffering gets lesser. We won’t suffer so much if we could accept both meeting and departing (of loved ones). To what extent your suffering could be lesser? It depends on degree of your acceptance towards the eight concerns. Your suffering will totally cease if you can fully accept it.

One of the factors causing our suffering is because we live our lives with wrong views. For example, we just want to see a birth but don’t want to see a death. In fact, birth is the cause whereas death is the effect. It’s impossible for you not to die because you were born which is the cause. If you could understand the relevance between birth and death and accept it, your suffering will be lesser then. Our suffering got two types: due to (1) wrong views, and (2) defilements e.g. greed, hatred and delusion. If you are a person with resentment or jealousy, surely we will suffer. A hatred person will get offended and furious easily. A jealous person feels resent when seeing another person’s success. When our eyes and ears see or hear something which is not to our liking, we get angry. This is because you don’t see the arising of anger. You just respond immediately with thoughts, speeches and bodily actions along with your habit, therefore you suffer. Just watch over your mind with sati (mindfulness) and be aware of feeling of unsatisfactory. Just don’t react straightforward. After some time like one or two minutes, it will disappear. Or else the story never ends and suffering never cease.

Just observe yourself. Everyday we live in suffering, and it’s all relevant to our mind and reaction. You dislike something when you see, hear, smell, taste or touch (body sensations), hence you react with aversion, and every reaction is suffering. You may experience the reality by yourself and see if this is true. Your suffering cease right away when you cut off the reaction. This has been explained by Buddha where ‘sanditthiko akaliko ehipassiko opanayiko paccattam vediidabbo vinnuhiti’.

Q: (not clear)

A: Frankly speaking, I have seen LP Mun’s and others where the color of relics is just same as our bone. There’s no such thing as ‘colorful’. Colorful relics only been discussed in the past few decades. No matter what, don’t be superstitious. Buddha told us that one who does not practice well would still be at a far distance from him even one keep pulling Buddha’s robe behind. Worshipping/admiring relics could never help to accumulate any merit. If you never practice dhamma according to Buddha’s teaching, you’ll never be an arahant by just admiring the relics.


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